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– By Dr. Shree Govind Shah

The media has to be neutral in their duty which could enhance the dialogue process between the government, politicians, civil societies, intellectuals and the ethnopolitical groups, and could help to hold Constituent Assembly election in November 2007. We can make it happen if we sincerely want to and collectively take positive steps towards achieving that common goal. (more…)

Govinda Neupane, Saturday, January 27, 2007

What happened to Madhesis? Why they are bleeding? Why they are on the streets, particularly on the central and eastern part of Madhesh? Is this a new phenomenon or is it the continuation of something that has its roots in the past? Historically, Madhesh had been suffering from the oppression and suppression as an internal colony of the Khas rulers. The Gorkha Khas kings and their entire Khas brethren treated Madhesh as their private property. By extension, the feudal lords among the MongolKirats and Newars also sided with the Khas ruling clique. Hence, the Madheshis had been suffering for centuries under the brutal rule of the Khas kings. (more…)

By Ram Manohar Sah

Madheshis had a lot of expectations from the recent Janandolan-II. Madheshis expected more than mere announcement of distribution of Citizenships certificate to eligible Madheshis. The Madheshis expected, at least, the fulfillment of promises (Federalism and Participation in all sphere of institutions) from all power players and policy makers. (more…)

Govinda Neupane, 2006 August 26

The population of the Madheshies as per the national census – 2001 is 7,169,109. (This is the combined figure of all Madheshi groups. For details, please see my book “Nepalko Jatiya Prashna”, second edition, 2005). The figure reveals that the Madheshi is the largest nationality in Nepal. (more…)

Jan 30, 2007
As in the 1994 Rwandan genocide, the world is just watching silently, while the Nepalese government has been clearing-off Madheshi ethnics in the quest of a pure new Nepal.

In 1994, the world proved that it had not learned anything from the holocaust. When almost a million Tutsis were killed by Hutus in the Rwandan genocide, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) and the diplomatic offices of many developed countries were there. The United Nations and the West ignored the warnings and did nothing to stop the genocide from occurring. (more…)





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