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  • F.H. Gaige (1975),
    Regionalism and National Unity in Nepal,
    Vikram Publishing House, Delhi, India.
  • Hari Bansa Jha (1993),
    The Terai Community and National Integration in Nepal,
    Center for Economic and Technical Studies (CETS), Kathmandu.
  • J. Gupta (2004),
    Madhesh: Social Demography and Discrimination,
    Madheshi Human Rights Conservation Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Dr. Hari Bans Jha (2003),
    Tarai ka Dalit ewam Dalit Mahila (Dalit and Dalit women of Terai),
    Center for Economic and Technical Studies (CETS).
  • Hari Bansa Jha (2000),
    Nepalma Dalit Uthanka Rananithi (Strategies for Uplifting Dalits in Nepal),
    Kathmandu: CETS, 2000.
  • Hari Bansa Jha (1997),
    Empowering Women of Mahottari District; Case Study of Selected Village Development Committees,
    Kathmandu: CETS.
  • J. Gupta, U. Yadav, H.B. Jha, and AN Jha (2004),
    Nepali Madhesi Ka Samasya,
    Centre for Protection of Madheshee’s Human Rights, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • H. Gurung (1982),
    The Sociology of Election in Nepal: 1959-81,
    Asian Survey, Vol XXII, p.313, March 1982.
  • M. Hutt, DN Gellner, A Michaels, G Rana and G Tandan (1994),
    Kiscadale Publications, Scotland.
  • ICIMOD (1997),
    Districts of Nepal: Indicators of Development,
    International centre for Integrated Mountain development, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • ISRSC (2004),
    District Development Profile of Nepal 2004,
    Informal Sector Research and Study Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal, August 2004.
  • M. Malangia (1997),
    Yo janakpur Ho (This is Janakpur),
    Majdoor Pustak Bhavan, Janakpur.
  • D.R. Panday (2001),
    Corruption, Governance and International Cooperation: Essays and Impressions on Nepal and South Asia,
    Transparency International, Kathmandu, 1998.
  • P. Rana (1982),
    The Evolution of Nepalese Nationalism in Contemporary Nepal,
    pp 83, The Fourth Parliamentary Election, IIDS, Kathmadu, Nepal
  • A. Singh (2003),
    Restructuring of Nepali State: A Madheshi Perspective,
    New Delhi, 2003.
  • World Bank (2005),
    Citizens With (Out) Rights: Nepal Gender and Social Exclusion Assessment: Summary Report,
    The World Bank, Kathmandu Nepal, June 2005.
  • Upendra Yadav (1997),
    Nepalko Madheshi Samudaya: Yek Bibechana,
    Research and Development Centre for Indigenous and Ethnic People, Nepal, August 1997.
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