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In July-August 2010, the NRM-A team toured from Mechi to Mahakali observing the grassroots level and interacting with common people. Starting the tour from Lahan’s Martyr’s Memorial, the team traveled to Mechi Border, Kankadabhitta, Chareli, Bhadrapur, Birtamod, Damak, Pathari, Kanepokhari, Rangeli, Biratnagar, Itahari, Rajbiraj,  Siraha, Janakpur, Jaleswar, Bardibas, Malangwa, Chandranigahpur, Gaur, Pathlaiya, Birgunj, Hetauda, Narayangadh, Bhairahawa, Lumbini, Taulihawa, Lamahi, Kohalpur, Nepalgunj, Gulariya, Attaria, Dhangadhi, Mahendranagar and Mahakali border.  On the tour, in addition to interacting with common people, the team also observed historical and archeological sites, and collected materials of historical importance.

Starting the Journey from the Martyr’s Memorial, Lahan

Mahakali Border

Mechi Bridge

Landless Tharus, West Madhesh

Interacting with Farmers, Malangwa

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