Martyr Ram Manohar Yadav :- The first Martyr of the Madhesh Swaraj Movement.
Subject: Killing of Gandhian ethnic Madheshi activist Ram Manohar Yadav by Government of Nepal in police custody; Family receives body of Ram Manohar Yadav five months after he died in police custody.

Press Release
National Human Rights Commission, Nepal, Commission’s Concern over the Incident of Death in the Police Custody,
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization: UNPO-Nepali Police Refuses to Investigate Activist’s Death in their Custody Oct 01, 2018
Madhesh: Many Hospitalised Due to Violence of Nepali Police in Nepalguni, On 5 October 2018, UNPO Member the Alliance for an Independent Madhesh (AIM) reports that many were wounded and others arrested by the Nepali Armed Police Force (APF). Among them, Rammanohar Yadav’s family members, injured from beatings. His wife, Sunita, is in critical condition.The report below was sent by the,
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)-Nepal Government must investigate custodial death of Ram Manohar Yadav, Statement |September 4, 2018
Terai Human Right Defender Alliance
Non-Resident Madheshis Association – NRMA
hence appeal to Government of Nepal and its security forces to observe restraint while handling political dissents.
Non-Resident Madheshis Association – NRMA
UN-Appeal-NRMA Subject: Killing of Gandhian ethnic Madheshi activist Ram Manohar Yadav by Government of Nepal in police custody; body still not handed over to his family Dear Secretary-General Guterres,
National Human Rights Commission, Nepal,
Commission’s Concern over the Incident of Death in the Police Custody
Mr. Ram Manohar Yadav was a human rights defender from Bardiya District. He had been part of a peaceful movement to gain more civil and political rights for Madhesi people.
The Kathmandu Post – eKantipur
Free Madhes activist dies in police custody – CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL, KAMAL PANTHI, Kathmandu Sep 3, 2018-
Custody death: Yadav’s family suspects torture, demands probe – THAKUR SINGH THARU, KAMAL PANTHI Sep 4, 2018-
Custody death of Ram Manohar Yadav: Family decries non-consented autopsy – CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL, Kathmandu Sep 28, 2018
Respect human rights, Anti-torture legal provisions must be fully compliant with international conventions – RANDHIR CHAUDHARY Oct 4, 2018-
Body of Madhesi activist who died in police custody lingers in morgue – CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL, Kathmandu Nov 22, 2018
A Madhesi died in police custody. No one knows what really happened Five months since the death of Ram Manohar Yadav, a Free Madhes activist, the family is still looking for answers while the police stays silent. – CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL, Kathmandu
Family receives body of Ram Manohar Yadav five months after he died in police custody Brother says they will continue to fight for justice and won’t accept government’s compensation pay – CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL, Kathmandu- Feb 3, 2019
Police seize Ram Manohar Yadav’s body on the way to funeral Hundreds of supporters of the Free Madhes movement show up for the last rites despite the arrest of scores by the authorities – CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL, Kathmandu
The Himalayan Times
Lawmakers seek probe into Ram Manohar Yadav’s custodial death -JAGDISHOR PANDAY Kathmandu, September 5
Killing of Gandhian ethnic Madheshi activist Ram Manohar Yadav by Government of Nepal in police custody; body still not handed over to his family
My Republica
Relatives of CK Raut’s supporter who died in police custody suspect murder September 3, 2018 07:00 AM Nirmal Ghimire
Death of CK Raut’s cadre under police detention sparks controversy Manoj Satyal Kathmandu, Sept 2
Madheshvani News
NHRC takes concern on Ram Manohar Yadav’s death in custody Kathmandu, 3 September
More than 20 injured along with wife of Ram Manohar Nepalgunj, 5 October
Madheshi activist dies in police custody, no post mortem since a week
Madheshi activist Ram Manohar Yadav dies in police custody, ( 10 September, 2018)
काठमान्डौँको माईतीघर मण्डलामा ‘अलविदा ! स्वराजी राम मनोहर’
राम मनोहर यादवको मृत्यूको घटनाको न्यायिक छानविन गरियोस : एनआरएमए
राम मनोहर यादवको मृत्यू प्रति संयमता अपनाउन आग्रह
राम मनोहरको सम्मानमा मधेसी युवाद्धारा मिर्चैयामा श्रद्धाञ्जली सभा
राम मनोहरको परिवारलाई युवाहरुद्धारा २५ हजार सहयोग
राम मनोहरलाई न्याय नदिए अनिश्चितकालिन चक्काजाम गर्ने चेतावनी
प्रहरीको लाठीचार्जले राम मनोहरकी पत्नी सख्त घाईते, २० प्रहरी हिरासतमा
८१ दिनदेखि स्वराजी राम मनोहरको लास प्रहरी हिरासतमा
राम मनोहरको शवयात्राबाट पक्राउ परेका स्वराजीहरु भोली नेपालगँज उच्च अदालत जाने
Hulaki News
उपेन्द्र यादवलाई कालो झण्डा देखाउनेहरुमाथि राज्य विरुद्धको मुद्दा
उपेन्द्र यादवलाई कालो झण्डा देखाउनेको स्वास्थ्य अवस्था गम्भीर
उपेन्द्र यादवलाई कालो झण्डा देखाउनेको प्रहरी हिरासत मै मृत्यु
काठमाडौंसहित विभिन्न स्थानमा श्रद्धाञ्जली सभा, नेपालगंजबाट एक पक्राउ
सहिद यादवप्रति विभिन्न देशमा श्रद्धाञ्जली सभा
एनआरएमएद्वारा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय निकायसँग छानविनको माग
राम मनोहर मृत्यु प्रकरणमा गृहमन्त्रालयको जवाफ, ‘समाचारमा सत्यता छैन’
बीरगन्जको घण्टाघर, लाहान र रुपन्देही–नवलपरासीमा श्रद्धाञ्जली सभा
विश्वभरका ८ संगठनद्वारा यादव मृत्यु प्रकरण छानविनको माग
राम मनोहरको हत्या भएको भन्दै सांसदहरुद्वारा छानविनको माग, कांग्रेस–राजपाको समर्थन
स्वतन्त्र मधेश गठबन्धनद्वारा गृहमन्त्रीलाई ज्ञापन पत्र: दोषीलाई कारवाही गर
राममनाेहरकाे पाेस्टमार्टम गुपचुप, २४ दिनदेखि लाश अलपत्र
राममनोहरको लाश एक महिनादेखि अलपत्र, नेपालगंजमा चक्का जामको आह्वान
मृतक राममनोहरकी पत्नीमाथि लाठी चार्ज, एक दर्जनभन्दा बढी घाइते
राम मनोहरको लास दुई महिनादेखि अलपत्र: परिवारलाई एनआरएमएको आर्थिक सहयोग
एनआरएमएद्वारा डा.राउतको रिहाई र राममनोहर घटनाको छानबिन गर्न माग
मधेशमा मानव अधिकार दिवसः राममनोहरको लाश १०१ दिन
संसदमा प्रश्न ‘रेशम चौधरी र राममनोहर यादवसँग अन्याय किन?’
राम मनोहरको मुद्दा संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघ (UN)मा अगाडि बढ्दै
राम मनोहरको लास प्रहरी नियन्त्रणमा : श्रद्धाञ्जली दिन गएकाहरु पक्राउ
मधेश स्वराज आन्दोलनका प्रथम सहिद राम मनोहर यादवको श्रद्धाञ्जली सभामा जनसागर (फोटो–भिडियो)
श्रद्धाञ्जली सभामा सहभागीहरुमाथि रातमा धरपकडः प्रहरीले तोडे सहमति!